Course Description:
While it may seem that an orthopedic examination is a simple task, there are a number of tips and tricks that can be used to aid in diagnosing some of the more uncommon orthopedic problems. Our expert surgeons will come to your hospital and teach you the tips and tricks needed to diagnose orthopedic problems. This 1-day interactive course will feature both lecture and laboratory components to take your palpation skills to the next level. A comprehensive approach to the orthopedic examination will be completed with attention on palpation of the front limb for diagnosis of patients with elbow dysplasia, and soft tissue orthopedic problems of the shoulder. For the hind limb focus will be on palpation skills of the hock, stifle, and hip with an appreciation for palpation of the iliopsoas. Objective outcome measures that can be incorporated into daily practice will be covered.
Osteoarthritis is a common condition affecting many dogs, and while oral medications can be helpful, newer strategies are becoming commonplace. Learning the techniques for intra-articular injections will arm you with another management option for the multimodal approach to osteoarthritis.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand how to take a systematic approach to the orthopedic examination
- Learn how to palpation regions of the front and hind limbs to diagnose soft tissue orthopedic problems
- Learn objective outcome measures from muscle mass measurement and joint angle measurement
- Appreciate the multimodal management of osteoarthritis including joint injections and various products for injection
- Learn the landmarks and techniques for intra-articular injections
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- 2 Sections
- 18 Lessons
- 9 Hours
- Morning Session8
- 2.18:00 am – Orthopedic Examination of the Front Limb Lecture
- 2.28:30 am – Common Orthopedic Soft Tissue Injuries of the Front Limb Lecture
- 2.39:20 am – Break
- 2.49:30 am – Laboratory 1 – Orthopedic Examination of the Front Limb Demo (live dog)
- 2.59:45 am – Laboratory 2 – Orthopedic Examination of the Front Limb (live dog)
- 2.610:30 am – Orthopedic Examination of the Hind Limb Lecture
- 2.711:00 am – Brace Yourself: Conservative Management and the Role of Orthotics in Cruciate Disease Lecture
- 2.811:50 am – Lunch
- Afternoon Session10
- 3.112:30 pm – Laboratory 3 – Orthopedic Examination of the Hind Limb Demo (live dog)
- 3.212:45 pm – Laboratory 4 – Orthopedic Examination of the Hind Limb (live dog)
- 3.31:30 pm – A Surgeon’s Perspective on the Current Trends for the Management of Osteoarthritis Lecture
- 3.42:30 pm – Laboratory 5 – Muscle Mass Measurements and Goniometry Demo (live dog)
- 3.52:45 pm – Laboratory 6 – Muscle Mass Measurements and Goniometry (live dog)
- 3.63:30 pm – Intra-Articular Injections Lecture
- 3.74:20 pm – Laboratory 7 – Intra-articular Injections Demo (cadaveric specimens)
- 3.84:30 pm – Laboratory 8 – Intra-articular Injections (cadaveric specimens)
- 3.95:30 pm – Open Discussion
- 3.106:00 pm – Conclusion of Course