Dr. Stephen Jones CE

Principles of Fracture Repair

Instructor: David Dycus, MS, DVM, DACVS, CCRP Course Description: Through lectures, hands-on laboratories, and clinical case studies, this course will provide the participant with enhanced skills and knowledge when presented with long bone fractures.

Veterinary Surgery

Principles of Fracture Repair

Instructor: Brian Beale, DVM, DACVS, ACVS Fellow, MIS Course Description: Through lectures, hands-on laboratories, and clinical case studies, this course will provide the participant with enhanced skills and knowledge when presented with long bone fractures.


Sports Medicine & Joint Traumatology

Instructor: David Dycus MS, DVM, DACVS, CCRP
Course Description: Joint injury and subsequent instability is a common problem in both canine companions and canine athletes. Excessive repetitive loading over time can result in joint trauma and instability, which ultimately will result in poor function and osteoarthritis.

Dr. Dycus Fracture Repair

Principles of Fracture Repair

Instructor: Brian Beale, DVM, DACVS, ACVS Fellow, MIS
Course Description: Through lectures, hands-on laboratories, and clinical case studies, this course will provide the participant with enhanced skills and knowledge when presented with long bone fractures.

Dr. Dycus Fracture Repair

Principles of Fracture Repair

Instructor: Stephen C. Jones, MVB, MS, DACVS, DECVS Course Description: Through lectures, hands-on laboratories, and clinical case studies, this course will provide the participant with enhanced skills and knowledge when presented with long bone fractures.

Dr. Dycus Joint Traumatology

Sports Medicine & Joint Traumatology

Instructor: Brian Beale DVM, DACVS, ACVS Fellow (MIS)
Course Description: Joint injury and subsequent instability is a common problem in both canine companions and canine athletes. Excessive repetitive loading over time can result in joint trauma and instability, which ultimately will result in poor function and osteoarthritis.


Principles of Fracture Repair

Through lectures, hands-on laboratories, and clinical case studies, this course will provide the participant with enhanced skills and knowledge when presented with long bone fractures.